Monday, March 18, 2002

Lean Design

For over a decade, a manufacturing metaphor has been used to bring about improvements in software development practices.  But even the originators of the metaphor recognize that it’s time for a change.  From SEI’s COTS-Based Systems (CBS) Initiative we hear:[1]
“Indeed, to many people software engineering and software process are one and the same thing. An entire industry has emerged to support the adoption of CMM or ISO-9000 models, and process improvement incentives have played a dominant role in defining roles and behavior within software development organizations. The resulting roles and behaviors constitute what we refer to as the process regime.
“The process regime was born of the software crisis at a time when even large software systems were built one line of code at a time. With some logic it established roles and behaviors rooted in a manufacturing metaphor, where software processes are analogous to manufacturing processes, programmers are analogous to assembly-line workers, and the ultimate product is lines of code. When viewed in terms of software manufacturing, improvements in software engineering practice are equated with process improvement, which itself is centered on improving programmer productivity and reducing product defects. Indeed, the manufacturing metaphor is so strong that the term software factory is still used to denote the ideal software development organization.

“The process regime might have proven adequate to meet the software crisis, or at least mitigate its worst effects, but for one thing: the unexpected emergence of the microprocessor and its first (but not last!) offspring, the personal computer (PC). The PC generated overwhelming new demand for software far beyond the  capacity of the conventional software factory to produce.

“The response to the growing gap between supply and demand spawned an impressive range of research efforts to find a technological “silver bullet.” The US government funded several large-scale software research efforts totaling hundreds of millions of dollars with the objective of building software systems “better, faster and cheaper.” While the focused genius of software researchers chipped away at the productivity gap, the chaotic genius of the free market found its own way to meet this demand—through commercial software components.

“The evidence of a burgeoning market in software components is irrefutable and overwhelming. Today it is inconceivable to contemplate building enterprise systems without a substantial amount of the functionality of the system provided by commercial software components such as operating systems, databases, message brokers, Web browsers and servers, spreadsheets, decision aids, transaction monitors, report writers, and system managers.

“As many organizations are discovering, the traditional software factory is ill equipped to build systems that are dominated by commercial software components. The stock and trade of the software factory—control over production variables to achieve predictability and then gradual improvement in quality and productivity—is no longer possible. The software engineer who deals with component-based systems no longer has complete control over how a system is partitioned, the interfaces are between these partitions, or how threads of control are passed or shared among these partitions. Traditional software development processes espoused by the process regime and software factory that assume control over these variables are no longer valid. The process regime has been overthrown, but by what?

“Control has passed from the process regime to the market regime. The market regime consists of component producers and consumers, each behaving, in the aggregate, according to the laws of the marketplace.

“The organizations that have the most difficulty adapting to the component revolution are those that have failed to recognize the shift from the process to the market regime and the loss of control that is attendant in this shift. Or, having recognized the shift, they are at a loss for how to accommodate it.
So it’s official, the manufacturing metaphor for software development improvement is needs to be replaced, but with what?  Let’s look to Lean Thinking for a suggestion.

How Programmers Work
A fundamental principle of Lean Thinking is that the starting point for improvement is to understand, in detail, how people actually do their work.   If we look closely at how software developers spend their time, we see that they do these things in sequence:  {analyze–code–build–test}.   First they figure out how they are going to address a particular problem, then they write code, then they do a build and run the code to see if it indeed solves the problem, and finally, they repeat the cycle.  Many times.  This is how programmers work.

An interesting thing about software development is that this cycle:  {analyze–code–build–test}, occurs both in the large and in the small.  Every large section of software will pass through this cycle (many times), but so will every small section of code.  A developer may go through these steps several times a day, or even, many times per hour.  Generally there is no particular effort, nor any good reason, to get the code exactly right the first time.  Try it, test it, fix it is a far more efficient approach to programming than perfection in the first draft.  Just as writers go through several drafts to create a finished piece of work, so do software developers.

The Wrong Metaphor
Because the software development cycle occurs both in the large and in the small, there have been attempts to divide the software development cycle and give each piece of the cycle to a different person.  So for instance, someone does the analysis, another person does the design, someone else writes code, a clerk does an occasional build, and QC people run tests.  This ‘assembly line’ approach to software development comes from the manufacturing metaphor, and basically, it just doesn’t work.

The reason a manufacturing metaphor does not work for development is because development is not sequential, it is a cycle of discovery. The {analyze–code–build–test} cycle is meant to be repeated, not to happen only once.  Further, as ideas and information move through this cycle, two things must be assured.  First,  information must not be lost through handoffs, and second, feedback from the cycle must be as short as possible.

The manufacturing metaphor violates both of these requirements.  First of all, handing off information in a written format will convey at best half of the information known to those who write the documents.  The tacit knowledge buried in the minds of the writers simply does not make it into written reports.  To make matters worse, writing down information to pass along to the next step in the cycle introduces enormous waste and dramatically delays feedback from one cycle to the next. 

This second point is critically important.  The cycle time for feedback from the test phase of the cycle should be in minutes or hours; a day or two at the outside.  Dividing the development cycle among different functions with written communication between them stretches the cycle out to the point of making feedback difficult, if not impossible.

Some may argue with the premise that software development is best done by using a discovery cycle.  They feel that developers should be able to write code and ‘Get it right the First Time”.  This might make sense in manufacturing, where people make the same thing repeatedly.  Software development, however, is a creative activity.  You would never want a developer to be writing the same code over and over again.  That’s what computers are for.

The Difference Between Designing and Making
Glenn Ballard of the Lean Construction Institute (LCI) sheds some light on this topic in a paper called “Positive vs Negative Iteration in Design”.  He draws a clear distinction between the two activities of designing and making.  He points out, “This is the ancient distinction between thinking and acting, planning and doing.  One operates in the world of thought; the other in the material world.”  Ballard summarizes the difference between designing and making in this manner:

The important thing to notice is that the goals of ‘designing’ and ‘making’ are quite different.  Designing an artifact involves understanding and interpreting the purpose of the artifact.  Making an artifact involves conforming to the requirements expressed in the design, on the assumption that the design accurately realizes the purpose.

A striking difference between designing and making is the fact that variability of outcomes is desirable during design, but not while making.  In fact, design is a process of finding and evaluating multiple solutions to a problem, and if there were no variability, the design process would not be adding much value.  As a corollary, Ballard suggests that iteration creates value in design, while it creates waste (rework) in making.  To put it another way, the slogan “Do it Right the First Time” applies to making something after the design is complete, but it should not be applied to the design process.

In the {analyze–code–build–test} cycle, notice that both analyzing and coding are design work.  There are many ways to create a line of code; individual developers are making decisions every minute they are writing code.  There is no recipe to tell them exactly how to do things.  They are writing the recipe for the computer to follow.  It is not until we get to the ‘build’ stage of the cycle that we find ‘making’ activity.  And indeed, all of the rules of ‘making’ apply to a software build:  No one should break the build, and every build with the same inputs, had better get the same outputs.

This brings us to the last step of the software development cycle:  test.  Is testing ‘designing’ or ‘making’ or yet a third element?  In fact, designing tests is a creative activity, often part of the design.  Further, the results of tests are continually fed back into the design to improve it.  So in a very real sense, the test step is ‘designing’, not ‘making’.  Further, the ‘test’ step is what causes the cycle to loop back and repeat, it is what makes development work into a cycle in the first place.  In making, it is not desirable to test and rework; however, in development, repeating the cycle is the essence of doing work.  Development is basically an experimental activity.

There are other well-known cycles that bear mentioning here, and all of them end with a step which causes the cycle to repeat.  Some examples are:
  1. The Scientific Method:  {Observe – Create a Theory – Predict from the Theory – Test the Predictions}  Graduate students know this well.
  2. The Development Approach:  {Discover – Assemble – Assess} This bears a striking (and not accidental) resemblance to the software development cycle.
  3. The Demming Cycle:  {Plan – Do – Check} – Act.  This is a three-step cycle {Plan – Do – Check}, followed by – Act once the cycle yields results.   A more complete definition of the Demming Cycle is: {Identify Root Causes of Problems – Develop and Try a Solution – Measure the Results}  Repeat Until a Solution is Proven, then – Standardize the Solution.  Demming taught that all manufacturing processes should be continually improved using this cycle.
In Search of Another Metaphor
If software developers spend their days in a continual {cycle of design–code–build–test}, we might gain insight if we find other workers who use a similar cycle.  In this quest we might eliminate workers in manufacturing, who are not involved in designing the product they produce.  On the other hand, in Lean Manufacturing, workers are continually involved in redesigning their work processes.  Despite this, it seems that software developers more closely resemble product designers than product makers, because a large portion of software development time involves designing the final product, both in the large and in the small.  But unlike product developers, software developers not only design, but also produce and test their product.

We might compare software developers to the skilled workers in construction, who often do a lot of on-site design before they actually produce work.  An electrician, for instance, must understand the use of the room to locate outlets, and must take framing, HVAC and plumbing into account when routing wires.   Software developers might also be thought of as artists and craftsmen, who routinely extend the design process right into the making process.

Learning Lessons from Metaphors
New Product Development, Skilled Construction Workers, Artists and Craftsmen – as we attempt to learn from these metaphors we must also take care not to go too far, as happened with the manufacturing metaphor.  The careful use of a metaphor involves abstracting to a common base between disciplines, and then applying the abstraction to the new discipline (software development) in a manner appropriate to the way work actually occurs in that discipline.   

Three useful abstractions come immediately to mind as we apply design and development metaphors to software development:

Abstraction 1:  Emphasize ‘Designing’ Values, not ‘Making’ Values
Code should not be expected to “Conform to Requirements” or be “Right the First Time”.  These are ‘making’ values.  Instead, software should be expected to be “Fit for Use” and “Realize the Purpose” of those who will be using it.   Disparaging software changes as ‘rework’ exemplifies the misuse of a ‘making’ value.  Since software development is mostly about designing, not making, the correct value for software development is precisely the opposite.  Iterations are good, not bad.  They lead to a better design.

Ballard states that:  “Designing can be likened to a good conversation, from which everyone leaves with a better understanding than anyone brought with them…  Design development makes successively better approaches on the whole design, likegrinding a gem, until it gets to the desired point….”

Abstraction 2:  Compress the {Design–Code–Build–Test} Cycle Time
Once we recognize that the {design–code–build–test cycle} is the fundamental element of work in software development, then principles of lean thinking suggest that compressing this cycle will generate the best results.  Compressing cycle time makes feedback immediate, and thus allows for a system to rapidly respond to both defects and change.

Based on this hypothesis, we may predict that the effectiveness of Extreme Programming comes from its dramatic compression of the {design–code–build–test cycle}.  Pair programming works to shorten design time because design reviews occur continuously, just as design occurs continuously.  Writing test code before production code radically reduces the time from coding to testing, since tests are run immediately after code is written.   The short feedback loop of the {design–code–build–test cycle} in all agile practices is a key reason why they produce working code very quickly.

Abstraction 3:  Use Lean Design Practices to Reduce Waste
Not all design iteration is good; iterations must add value and lead to convergence.  Many times a design will pass from one function to another, each adding comments and changes, causing more comments and changes, causing another round of comments and changes, in a never-ending cycle.  This kind of iteration does not produce value, and is thus ‘negative iteration’ or ‘waste’.

Ballard suggests the following ‘Lean Design’ techniques to reduce negative iteration, or in other words, obtain design convergence:
  1. Design Structure Matrix.   Steven Eppinger’s article “Innovation at the Speed of Information” in the January 2001 issue of Harvard Business Review suggests that design management should focus on information flows, not task completions, to achieve the most effective results. The Design Structure Matrix is a tool that answers the question: “What information do I need from other tasks before I can complete this one?”
  2. Cross Functional Teams.  Cross-functional teams which collaborate and solve problems are today’s standard approach for rapid and robust design with all interested parties contributing to decisions.  One thing to remember is to ‘let the team manage the team’.
  3. Concurrent Design / Shared Incomplete Information.    Sequential processing results in part from the assumption that only complete information should be shared.  Sharing incomplete information allows concurrent design to take place.  This both shortens the feedback loop and allows others to start earlier on their tasks.
  4. Reduced Batch Sizes.   Releasing small batches of work allows downstream work to begin earlier batches and provides for more level staffing.  It also is the best mechanism for finding and fixing problems early, while they are small, rather than after they have multiplied across a large batch.
  5. Pull Scheduling.  Ballard notes:  “The Lean Construction Institute recommends producing such a work sequence by having the team responsible for the work being planned to work backwards from a desired goal; i.e., by creating a 'pull schedule'. Doing so avoids incorporation of customary but unnecessary work, and yields tasks defined in terms of what releases work and thus contributes to project completion.”
  6. Design Redundancy. When it is necessary to make a design decision in order to proceed, but the task sequencing cannot be structured to avoid future changes, then the best strategy may be to choose a design to handle a range of options, rather than wait for precise quantification.  For example, when I was a young process control engineer, I used to specify all process control computers with maximum memory and disk space, on the theory that you could never have enough.  In construction, when structural loads are not known precisely, the most flexible approach is often to design for maximum load.
  7. Deferred Commitment / Least Commitment.  Ballard writes:  “Deferred commitment is a strategy for avoiding premature decisions and for generating greater value in design. It can reduce negative iteration by simply not initiating the iterative loop. A related but more extreme strategy is that of least commitment; i.e., to systematically defer decisions until the last responsible moment; i.e., until the point at which failing to make the decision eliminates an alternative. Knowledge of the lead times required for realizing design alternatives is necessary in order to determine last responsible moment.
  8. Shared Range of Acceptable Solutions  / Set-Based Design.   The most rapid approach to arriving at a solution to a design problem is for all parties to share the range of acceptable solutions and look for an overlap.  This is also called set-based design, and is widely credited for speeding up development at Toyota, decreasing the need for communication, and increasing the quality of the final products.
These eight Lean Construction techniques, particularly set-based design, is being tested in construction and expected to result in dramatic improvements in design time (~50%) and construction time (~30%).  In addition, work can be leveled throughout the project, better, more objective decisions are expected.

The following two additional Lean Design techniques are particularly applicable to software development:
  1. Frequent Synchronization.  It is widely recognized in software development that daily (or more frequent) builds with automated testing is the best way to build a robust system rapidly.
  2. The Simplest ‘Spanning Application’ Possible.  This is a software development technique  particularly good for testing component ensembles and legacy system upgrades. The idea is not to implement module-by-module, but implement a single thread across the entire system, so as to test the interactions of all parts of a system along a narrow path.

[1] From draft version of Chapter 1 of Building Systems from Commercial Components,  [Addison-Wesley, 2001] by Kurt Wallnau, Scott Hissam, and Robert Seacord; downloaded from SEI COTS-Based Initiative website.

Screen Beans Art, © A Bit Better Corporation

Sunday, March 17, 2002

Is Agile Software Development Sustainable?

Agile software development practices are often criticized as being suitable only for small, co-located teams of experts working on modest sized projects. If agile development is truly limited to these perceived boundaries, then it is probably not sustainable. Software development practices must address large projects, multiple geographies, and a general population of developers if they are to become the basis of a thriving new paradigm.

On the other hand, in The Innovator’s Dilemma, [HarperBusiness, 2000], Clayton Christensen notes that all disruptive technologies start by addressing a market which is considered small and “down-market” from existing technologies. So if agile practices are a “disruptive technology” compared to traditional software development processes, then it would be quite in character for them to start by addressing small systems. The questions is, can agile processes grow to address the needs of large systems?

The answer lies in recognizing that the needs of large systems are changing in a way that is best addressed by agile practices. Over the last decade, corporations have tended to use commercially available systems to address more and more information needs. Initially, these systems tended to be monolithic and proprietary, but this is changing. Corporations have found that any monolithic system, even one which is commercially supplied, rapidly becomes a legacy system as new technologies combine with mergers to obsolete any system that cannot adapt to change.

The result has been a tendency for developers of large systems to prefer the use of commercially supplied components, from API’s to Web Services, for a sizeable portion of any application. In Building Systems from Commercial Components, [Addison-Wesley, 2001] Kurt Wallnau and coauthors point out that large systems cannot be built from software components using traditional development processes. The marketplace in which component vendors compete dictates that components are complex, they change frequently, and customers pretty much have to take whatever is offered.

System development in the component marketplace is distinctly different from traditional software development. To begin with, one does not start by capturing user requirements, but by understanding the capabilities of available components. The challenge is to bring the user requirements into line with available software, rather than the other way around. System architecture is generally dictated by the available components and the key architectural task is to create an ‘ensemble’ of components that work well together. Finally, designing a system to be able to deal with unpredictable change is a fundamental skill when working with commercial components. If nothing else is certain, the fact that these components will constantly change can be guaranteed.

The bottom line is that the problems that used to be addressed by traditional software processes have changed, and those processes are no longer up to the task of addressing large project development. Meanwhile, the agile practices being honed in small projects are just the ones needed in the a large project environment which deals with legacy systems and commercial components. So don’t be surprised to see agile practices move up-market, as disruptive technologies always do, and take over the large projects as well.

A quote from a version of Chapter 1 of Building Systems from Commercial Components, [Addison-Wesley, 2001] by Kurt Wallnau, Scott Hissam, and Robert Seacord.
Whatever position one takes regarding the CMM versus ISO-9000 one thing is clear: these software management standards have, for over a decade, established the context for improving the practice of software development. Indeed, to many people software engineering and software process are one and the same thing. An entire industry has emerged to support the adoption of CMM or ISO-9000 models, and process improvement incentives have played a dominant role in defining roles and behavior within software development organizations. The resulting roles and behaviors constitute what we refer to as the process regime.

The process regime… established roles and behaviors rooted in a manufacturing metaphor, where software processes are analogous to manufacturing processes, programmers are analogous to assembly-line workers, and the ultimate product is lines of code. When viewed in terms of software manufacturing, improvements in software engineering practice are equated with process improvement, which itself is centered on improving programmer productivity and reducing product defects. Indeed, the manufacturing metaphor is so strong that the term software factory is still used to denote the ideal software development organization….

Today it is inconceivable to contemplate building enterprise systems without a substantial amount of the functionality of the system provided by commercial software components such as operating systems, databases, message brokers, Web browsers and servers, spreadsheets, decision aids, transaction monitors, report writers, and system managers.

As many organizations are discovering, the traditional software factory is ill equipped to build systems that are dominated by commercial software components. The stock and trade of the software factory—control over production variables to achieve predictability and then gradual improvement in quality and productivity—is no longer possible. The software engineer who deals with component-based systems no longer has complete control over how a system is partitioned, the interfaces are between these partitions, or how threads of control are passed or shared among these partitions. Traditional software development processes espoused by the process regime and software factory that assume control over these variables are no longer valid. The process regime has been overthrown….

Screen Beans Art, © A Bit Better Corporation

Tuesday, March 5, 2002

Lean Construction

“What are you doing here?”  they asked.

They were construction foremen, superintendents and project managers attending a course in construction planning from the Lean Construction Institute (LCI).  Indeed, what was I doing there?

I started to explain:  “In software development, we are told we should manage our projects like construction projects, where a building is designed at the start, cost and schedule are predictable, and customers get what they expect.”

Silence.  “You’re kidding, right?”  “No, honest, that’s what we’re told.”

Incredulity turns to laughter.  The idea that programmers would want to manage projects like the construction industry strikes my classmates as ludicrous.

They struggle every day with a master schedule which bears little relationship to reality, with materials that should be on site but are not, or materials that need to be stored because they arrived before they were needed.  The never know when the crew that precedes them will be ready to turn an area over to them, so they never know how to staff their crews.  They are plagued constantly by the two biggest forms of construction waste – people waiting for materials and work waiting for people.

Construction might be thought of as a long series of handoffs between trades.  When building a house, there maybe 165 handoffs.  Every handoff introduces an element of variability.  Add to this the variability introduced by weather, staging material, finding tools, sharing equipment, and wide variation from the master schedule is a simple matter of statistics.

In manufacturing, MRP systems are known to produce wide swings in plans when adjusting for small variations in production, which makes them relatively useless for detailed shop floor planning.   For the same reason, the construction industry has found a master schedule to be a relatively useless technique for detailed construction planning.  These are open loop control systems which are being incorrectly applied to planning a variable system, which needs to be controlled by a closed loop system.

The Lean Construction Institute teaches construction superintendents, foremen, and project managers to plan work in three windows:  a phase window of three months or so, a six week look-ahead window which rolls weekly, and a detailed plan for the next week.

The phase plan is the point at which major plans for how work is done will be devised.  The level of pre-fabrication of building elements, the sequence of construction events, and the need for long lead time items are addressed.  The phase is planned backward in a ‘pull’ method; that is, the plan starts from the completed set of work and moves backward to lay out what needs to be done to get there.

Each week a new week rolls off the phase plan and onto the six week (or thereabouts)  look-ahead plan.  Each week the construction superintendents and foremen (called ‘Last Planners’ by LCI) review the look-ahead plan to assure that as work becomes due, the necessary materials are at hand and all pre-work is completed.  Every effort is made to assure that most material ordering and preparation work can be done within the look-ahead window, so keeping an eye on the next six weeks gives adequate time to be sure everything is in place when it comes time to do the work.

Each week the ‘Last Planner’ team commits to the plan for the following week.   The most important thing that they learn in the LCI class is to commit only to what should be done and can be done.  Once the commitment is made, each crew is expected to meet its commitment, and success is the measured in terms of meeting the weekly promises.

The ‘Last Planner’ system taught by LCI greatly reduces variability in construction planning, because it is a closed loop control system.  Work is not planned by the master schedule, but by real people (‘Last Planners’) who make detailed short term plans based on what material is actually available, what the near term weather forecasts say, whether the previous crew can be trusted to be done, what crew members are available for the job, etc.  The reliability of these plans has resulted in enormous productivity gains and a significant reduction in construction site problems.

What Does This Have To Do With Software?
Software developers don’t think of their work as a series of handoffs between trades, because often projects are broken into small segments and a single team is assigned to develop each segment.  In this environment, daily builds and automated tests are often used to integrate new code, assuring that teams do not interfere with each other’s work.

However, there are a lot of handoffs in software development.  Trace the path of requirements as they move from customer to developer, and count the handoffs.

As I sat in the construction class, I was surprised at how much design work goes on during construction.  You might think that once construction drawings and specs are approved, the design would be complete.  You would be wrong.  Here are some typical examples of things that happen every day in construction:

Example One:  “What’s that cloud in the basement drawing?  Oh!  It’s an elevator shaft that hasn’t been specified.  But we are about to pour concrete!  Call the architect!”

Example Two:  “How is this conference room going to be furnished?  The electrician has to decide how to lay out the lighting and where to put the outlets.  Someone needs to let us know where the phone and Ethernet terminations go.  Call the customer.”

Example Three:  “The hospital has hired a new head surgeon and he wants the surgical area to be laid out differently.  He says technology has changed in the two years since the drawings were approved and the layout in the drawings is completely out of date.”

In my construction class, the idea of “freeze the design” meets the same fate as “follow the master schedule.”  Laughter.  Not only is freezing the design impossible, but given the long building times in construction, attempting to do so is sure to make the real customer – the people who move into the building – unhappy with the result.

Instead, design is just another element of the ‘Last Planner’ system.  During the look-ahead period, incomplete designs are identified and arrangements are made to fill in the blanks.  In the same way that lack of materials is the biggest cause of construction delay, lack of requirements is the biggest cause of design delay.  The ‘Last Planner’ system pulls in requirements just as it pulls in materials, and LCI recognizes that designs done as late as possible are often the best.  In fact, they recommend that design decisions be made at the ‘Last Responsible Moment’ even as materials arrive ‘Just in Time’. 

The ‘Last Planner’ system creates commitments between workers on what will happen next week, while looking out six weeks to assure that everything will be in place for work that should happen in the near future.  Most planning systems are directive, but this planning system is collaborative.  In a weekly meeting that lasts less than an hour, the ‘Last Planners’ – foremen, crew chief, superintendents, designers – commit to each other and then make good on those commitments.  The system adapts each week for variations such as delayed material or bad weather or changing customer requirements.

The Problem With Task-based Planning
At a construction site, various trades typically work separately on tasks specified in and coordinated by the master schedule.  But this doesn’t give them any incentive to work together, nor does it provide for much planning on the best way to deliver a feature.  At the LCI class I learned that significant gains can be achieved by looking at a construction project as delivering a set of features, rather than accomplishing a set of isolated tasks.

Case One:  The hallway wall of a prison cell is typically pre-fabricated and set in place, then cement is poured, and much later doors are added.  The problem is, if the cement is just a bit too high, the doors don't close.  In one prison, fully a third of the doors had to be ground to fit. On a recent prison project, the management firm (one of LCI’s best customers) suggested that the wall pre-fabricator add the door to the pre-fabrication process.  This was unheard-of, because it involved the coordination of two trades that did work in very different phases of the project.  Upon investigation, the idea was found to be not only possible, but in the end it saved a large chunk of money.  Better still, the new approach is saving more money on each new project.

Case Two:  In building a parking structure, materials for beams were lifted by the crane onto each floor and assembled in place.  Then the crew assembling the beams was released while the next floor was prepared for beams.  The boom and bust cycle of employment created a problem in retaining good crews to work on the beams.  LCI suggested that the beams be assembled on the ground and lifted into place by the cranes, creating steady work for a smaller crew which would assemble the beams as well as for the crew adding the next floor.  It was tricky to work out the crane’s schedule, because typically it is released to only one crew at a time and the fact that it was used only one third of the time was not immediately apparent.  However, the change was made and site productivity increased dramatically thereafter.

Case Three:  One of LCI’s best customers has moved to feature-based planning from the beginning of a project.  It recently divided a new field house at a university into about a dozen main ‘features’:  practice fields, swimming pool, basketball courts, etc.  Each feature was given an appropriate portion of the budget, and a cross-functional team (including users) is assigned to each feature.  The teams in turn broke their features down into sub-features and decided how to spend their allotted money.  Sometimes they negotiated with other feature teams for more of the budget.  As the building went up, the feature teams made decisions which kept their portion under budget.  The result was a smooth construction cycle with a minimum of changes, and a very satisfied customer.

The lesson for software development is that planning in terms of features rather than tasks can yield tremendous advantages.  The Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) method of project planning, with its emphasis on managing individual tasks, leads to sub-optimized thinking which does not correct itself, even when a more effective approach is begging to be discovered.

The Contract Environment
Greg Howell of the Lean Construction Institute told me that construction companies used to be vertically integrated.  But as time went on, tasks became segregated and associated costs identified, leading construction companies to sub-contract the cost and risk of various activities.  In a sub-contracting environment, Greg pointed out, responsibility is shifted to the sub-contractor.  The project manager assigns work, but is not responsible for it. Integrating across the trades is not really anyone’s job.

Typically there is a design firm and a construction firm under contract for any job; however, this has led to countless disagreements, finger-pointing, and even lawsuits.  Recently a practice called design-build has become popular, where the design firm is also responsible for construction.  This has created an environment where more responsibility lies with a single firm, which often leads to greater speed and productivity.  However, not all design-build arrangements guarantee that work will be coordinated across sub-contractors.  The key, Greg says, is to view construction as an integrated flow, rather than a collection of independent tasks. Companies with this mindset are the ones who come up with the ‘innovative’ ideas in the case studies above.

Lessons For Software Development
If construction projects have predictable costs, schedules and results, there is probably a sizable contingency fund for covering surprises. There is a lot of wasted time and productivity in a typical construction project. This is caused by two things:
  1. An open-loop plan which does not address variation and thus magnifies it.
  2. Fragmentation of responsibility, giving each trade incentives to optimize their individual performance.
Software developers can avoid the open loop planning problem through short cycle, closed loop planning. Various agile practices recommend adopting an iteration cycle of two to six weeks, augmented with daily planning meetings. The important capability is to deliver code which is fully tested and ready for release on a regular, short cycle. This is the essence of closed loop control in software development.

Sub-optimization is caused by rewarding people based on measurements of performance in a narrow area, rather than rewarding people for achieving broader objectives. The fact is, emphasizing cost and schedule control during software development is a contractor mentality, which tends to de-emphasize the importance of achieving overall business objectives. In practice, contracts which are meant to reduce risk often end up reducing responsibility for achieving the business goals instead.

In summary, every metaphor has its limitations, and the construction metaphor is no exception. Metaphors usually suffer when people have an incomplete understanding of the field upon which the metaphor is based. Digging deeper into construction, for example, we find that master schedules are useless for planning work, contracting practices create islands of optimization, and there are large opportunities for productivity improvement. The feature-based planning and short, closed loop cycles of agile software development are similar to the Lean Construction Institute's practices, which have been the source of significant improvements in the construction industry.

Screen Beans Art, © A Bit Better Corporation