“We are a conservative company, so we are just starting our agile
transformation,” the manager told me. “But we expect big things from it: faster delivery, easier recruiting, happier
“Interesting objectives,” I thought to myself. “Something I
might have heard ten years ago.” It struck me that the reason an organization
opts for late adoption is to learn from those who go first – from the companies
that bushwhacked through the agile swamp a decade ago, or the organizations
that followed a few years later. I wondered how much of what we have learned in
the last decade will inform this budding agile transformation. I sensed that
the answer was “not enough.”
Once you get past the sales pitches and confirmation biases,
it doesn’t take much research to discover that agile and Scrum don’t have such
a great track record. In the First Round Review article I'm
Sorry, But Agile Won't Fix Your Products,
Adam Pisoni, co-founder and former CTO of Yammer, contends that “While SCRUM
did manage to rein in impulsive managers, it ended up being used more to exert
tighter control over engineers’ work.” In The Failure
of Agile, Andy Hunt, an original
signatory of the Agile Manifesto, writes “Agile methods themselves have not
been agile. Now there‘s an irony for you.” Both of these pieces complain that
agile does not provide real empowerment – one of several persistent problems we
have observed in many organizations as they adopt agile practices.
Every organization undertaking an agile transformation
imagines that the problems with other agile implementations will not plague THEIR
transformation. If they hire the right consultants and use the best practices,
they assume they will be fine. This kind of wishful thinking only lengthens the
list of mediocre agile transformations. It would be more useful to understand the
most predictable problems with agile implementations and actively help your
organization avoid them.
With this in mind, I offer three questions you might ask to expose
some of the typical ways in which agile disappoints, along with the best
current approaches for avoiding these common agile pitfalls.
Question 1: Should you use Scrum or Continuous Delivery?
This may come as a surprise, but quite frankly, Scrum says
nothing about how to develop software, nothing about how to deliver defect-free
code and nothing about techniques for faster production releases. Other agile
methodologies – especially the long lost Extreme Programming – have more to say
on these topics, but most agile transformations reserve little time for improving
the actual work involved in generating top notch software. Yet without a solid
foundation in the technology that produces great systems, agile is pretty
The technical heart of agile is embodied in the practices articulated by Jez Humble and Dave Farley in Continuous Delivery: acceptance test-driven development; automated builds,
automated testing, automated database migration, and automated deployment; everyone
checks their code into the mainline at least daily (there are no branches!); the
mainline is ALWAYS production ready and is deployed very frequently (daily is
slow); release is by switch rather than by deployment. If you aren’t heading toward
these or similar technical practices and you think you are doing an agile
transformation, think again. Agile without a strong technology base is usually
a mistake.
Start your agile transformation by acknowledging that
software development is a deeply technical endeavor leading to highly complex
systems. These systems behave like all complex systems – if you smash them with
a big change, all bets are off – you cannot predict the results. The only way
to have predictable, stable code bases is to modify them with small probes, observe
the results, modify the code and probe again. [Incidentally, a small probe is
not two weeks of work; it’s more like two hours of work.] If deploying small
probes to live systems is not at the core of your agile transformation
strategy, you are missing today’s most reliable tools for delivering stable
systems with predictable results.
Yes, this means writing a lot more code. It means tests as
code, infrastructure as code, deployment as code. It means no one writes
production code until there is an acceptance test for it, written in an
executable language. It means teams can pretend they are working in a cloud
because the infrastructure they need is always available and can be provisioned as needed. It means that whole teams (which include everyone from product
to operations) retain responsibility for their code even after it goes live.
And it means that the most common way teams decide what to do next is to
examine feedback from the effects of their work in actual use.
The technology enabling Continuous Delivery should be at the
core of any modern agile transformation because it has proven to be the safest
way for an organization to gain and maintain control of complex software
systems. If your agile transition team does not understand this technology,
then you are probably trying to switch to agile without adequate technical
leadership. This is not a good strategy.
Admittedly, Continuous Delivery is technically challenging,
but no more so than the many other challenges that technical teams deal with
every day. In fact, we have found that almost without exception, software engineers
love to work in a Continuous Delivery environment because of the challenge, the
discipline, the clarity, and the immediate feedback. One financial services
company told us that in the three years since their (large) IT department
switched to Continuous Delivery, they have had zero turnover, except for
emigration. Their transformation resulted in the most desirable jobs in the area.
Question 2: Do you hire Developers or Engineers?
What title do you use for people who solve problems with
software? Years upon years ago, I was called a programmer and that was a high
status job. But once waterfall processes placed analysts between programmers
and their customers, the programmers were no longer expected to analyze
customer problems and solve them. The title “programmer” was downgraded to a
second class job which mostly involved coding what someone else wrote in a specification.
Over time a new term – developers – came into use and referred to a more
holistic job. But then, agile processes placed a product owner between
developers and customers, so developers were no longer expected to analyze customer
problems and solve them. Instead, they were given a prioritized list of relatively
small stories to estimate, code, and (hopefully) test.
If you visit Silicon Valley these days you will find that software
developers have been replaced by software engineers. We can only hope that those
smart people who have this title will be presented with complete problems and expected
to engineer a solution. They will not be given specs, because whoever wrote the
spec designed the solution. They will not be given stories, because whoever
wrote the stories designed the solution. They will be given real problems –
customer problems, business problems, technical problems – and asked to
engineer a solution. They will be expected to implement the solution within
valid constraints and take responsibility for its success. Silicon Valley
companies understand that this is the kind of job that attracts the best
If you want more effective recruiting in today’s very tight
talent market, don’t look for software developers or mention your agile
transformation. Look for software engineers and reliability engineers and make it clear that you expect
them to engineer effective solutions to meaningful problems. Then make sure
that your agile transformation makes this challenging work the responsibility
of your engineers, because most agile methodologies place it
Question 3: How will you handle dependencies?
I was astonished when I heard that after Amazon completed
its switch to services, the company no longer used central databases. How could
this possibly work? I thought it was self-evident that a single system of record is fundamental to the success of an enterprise – so how could Amazon possibly survive without
a central database? Either the information about abandoning central databases was wrong or Amazon
was doing something that defied all conventional wisdom.
It turns out that the second was correct – Amazon had
discovered something so obvious that it had escaped us for decades: A central
database is one humongous dependency generator. Ouch! Take a look at Sam Newman’s book Building
Microservices – where the case is made that dependencies are among the
greatest evils in software development and central databases are among the most
pernicious creators of dependencies in the software world. It’s eye-opening.
These days we see a lot of companies building microservices
– Netflix and realestate.com.au and Gilt and many more. Why? Because when they
experience extremely high volume, the code that handles this volume needs
constant attention and tuning. The only way to make that happen at scale is to
adopt a structure which allows individual teams to deploy their code – live to
production – independently of other teams. A microservice is exactly that – code
owned by one (small) team that designs, monitors, maintains, and deploys the
service – independent of other teams and other code.
If this sounds a lot like something you’ve heard of before,
that’s because independent module deployment has been the dream of software development just about forever. A couple decades
ago, object-oriented programming promised this nirvana, but it never quite
delivered. Now microservices are making the same promise, and there are
instances of them working pretty well. Of course, microservices are rather new
and the jury is still out. (See Martin Fowler’s summary of Microservices.) But
we know that for very high volume systems, independent deployment appears to be
mandatory and microservices seem to be the architecture of choice. Clearly
microservices are a viable way – but not the only way – to handle dependencies.
No matter what kind of system you have, dependencies must be
dealt with or else they will eventually haunt you. The Google code base started
out as a monolith which rapidly developed many dependencies, but fortunately, Google's engineers understood the danger. So they developed a dependency matrix to keep
track of code interactions, and whenever code was pushed to the test framework,
the new code and all of its dependencies were tested together – immediately. If
the test found problems, the code was reverted and everyone involved was
notified. New code was system-tested thousands of times a day, which required a
massive environment with a lot of automation. But it worked infinitely better
than manually testing large changes because it identified the precise cause of
potential problems before they happened. As expensive as it seems, it turns out
that testing each small change with its complete stack of dependent code is
better, cheaper, safer and faster than testing big batch releases the way we used to in the past.
“But how do we get from our legacy systems to that ideal
state?” we are often asked. Well, that is precisely the question your agile
transformation should answer. There are plenty of places to look for ideas, because this is a path many companies have taken. To get started, Martin Fowler's Strangler Application provides a general pattern for migrating away from legacy code, and several case studies can be found here. However, there are no canned answers for dealing with legacy code; the problems are quite specific to each situation. You need good engineers to take up the challenge supported by leadership that appreciates the importance of the issue. But the bottom line is that if an agile transformation does not provide a path from
smashing your system with big releases to probing it with tiny bits of code,
you have more homework to do before you get started.
We have learned a lot about how to deal with dependencies
over the last few years. We can do it with an architecture that isolates
dependencies – perhaps microservices – or by automatically testing the complete
system of dependent code after every small change. We know we should NOT deal
with dependencies by consuming the last third of a release cycle with system
testing (and fixing) the way we used to in the waterfall days. And we know it
does not make sense to automate tests just to make this back-end testing go
faster – a mistake we have seen frequently that you want to avoid. Test
automation should be aimed at defect prevention, not defect discovery. Preventing
defects as the code is written
pays for itself. Many times over. Every time.
Ask the Right Questions
If you are one of those conservative organizations that is
just getting around to an agile transformation, be sure you ask the right
questions before you take the leap. Remember that typical agile practices are
just table stakes. You need to know how to play the complex systems game, a
deeply technical game played by very smart engineers. Don’t insult their
intelligence if you want to engage them.
Understand that dependencies cause most defects and fragile
code bases, and they also lead to tangled organizational structures. Really. If
you’re skeptical, check out Conway’s Law. Get your
technical and architectural act together, as well as your strategy for dealing
with dependencies, before you begin. This may prompt you to consider an
organizational change as part of the transformation.
When you are ready to start, be sure to articulate the specific
business goals the agile transition will help achieve and how you will measure
the agile transition’s contribution to these goals. Then challenge your smart
people to figure out how to move those metrics – and your transition will be
off to a good start.
As an industry, we know how to do this. Your colleagues have
done it. You may as well avoid the pitfalls they have discovered. Start by asking a few questions.